Repost from @gallerialafonderia
Iniziamo la settimana con l'opera "Peace & Love" di Allan Saint Denis, un dipinto emblematico in questo periodo di tensioni, in mostra a @gallerialafonderia fino al 23 giugno nella personale dedicata all'artista newyorkese.
"Al di là del Vetro"
@allan.saint.denis solo exhibition
Until June 23
#allansaintdenis #gallerialafonderia #contemporaryart #tattoos #paintings #truth #feeling #contemporaryartist #newyork #instaart #firenze #florence #art #artist #love #arte #oilpaintings #canvas #artgallery #artists #artlovers #steam #peaceandlove @sabrinaquerci
Repost from @newyorkacademyofart
One of our alumni, @allan.saint.denis has a solo exhibition opening in Florence, at the @gallerialafonderia
@newyorkacademyofart #111franklin
#figurativeart #figurativepainting #tattoopainting #aldilà #gallerialafonderia
Repost from @sabrinaquerci
#aldiladelvetro di @allan.saint.denis a @gallerialafonderia fino al #23giugno #artefigurativa #arteduranteilcovid #artecheparla #artevelata #artesvelata #lartenonsiferma #arteterapeutica #artcollectors #artgalleries #youandme #❤️
Feeling Honored!
Congratulations to the following artists selected by our incredible guest curators The TAX Collection @taxcollection for issue #21: (Cover with feature interview artist @granthaffner 🌅)
Ginnie Baer
Carly Bodnar
Vincent Chung
Allan Saint Denis
Sophie Derrick
Caitlyn Rose Doran
Teresa Escobar
Caroline Estelle
Ian Fisher
Tim Gatenby
Amber Hart
Julia Haw
Courtney Heather
Juliana Hyrri
Xuefei Ji
Laurence Jones
Danielle Klebe
Chris Klein
Kunal Kohli
Danyelle Lakin
Roman Manikhin
Svitlana Martynjuk
Jake McCauley
Noelle Phares
Vivian Rashotte
Colin Roberts
Buket Savci
Travis Leroy Southworth
Erin Titus
Sally West
The expected release for this issue is mid-August 2020, and we can't wait to see this edition come to life! Stay tuned for full issue contents and pre-sale details.
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their work in support of our platform for emerging artists. We are proud of our community.
About the Guest Curators: TAX Collection
The TAX Collection is a multimedia platform dedicated to exposing the world to today's most inspiring artists and creatives. By creating space not only in the digital world, but also the physical, we act as a catalyst for collaboration and communication between artists, their audiences, and collectors. Through exhibitions, diverse projects, and publications, we maintain our commitment to the support and promotion of the artist - for the sake of the art. Without the 'artist' there would be no 'art'.
The TAX Collection was created in 2015 by Max Berman and Tanner Steslow out of a spirit of recognition for emerging artists and a new generation of creatives working across digital and physical mediums. Since our inception, the platform quickly gained a large following and blossomed into a community of artists and their fans, galleries, and collectors, from all corners of the world under the common cause of empowering the artist and championing freedom of expression. We hope you join us in our exploration of the ever-inspiring phenomenon that is art.
Tune today at 12 eastern standard time/6pm euro time-see you there!
Feeling so proud of my amazing son, who today should be walking in the graduation ceremony of Pitzer College. I am sad we are not all there, but alas this milestone is magnificently achieved. Bravo Christian!! 👏👏👏 💪
My first Ragu😋
Distance = Hope
#andròtuttobene #socialdistance #physicaldistancing #gallerialafonderia #coronavirus #quarantine #figurativeart #figurativepainting #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #111franklin #newyorkacademyofart #firenze #italia
Repost from @gallerialafonderia
Oggi vi raccontiamo in breve la vita di Allan Saint Denis! Nativo di New York City, dopo una carriera nel mondo della moda in USA, durante la quale non abbandona la sua passione per l’arte continuando a studiare disegno e pittura alla Art Students League di New York City e la New York Academy of Art, fondata da Andy Warhol, decide di attraversare l'Atlantico per mettersi in gioco nel Vecchio Continente. .
Il suo lavoro è stato esposto a New York in varie gallerie tra Chelsea e Southhampton e da Sotheby’s, oltre ad essere incluso in numerose collezioni private tra Italia e Stati Uniti. condividiamo esperienze simili.”
#allansaintdenis #arworks #newyork
#firenze #artist #arte #iorestoacasa #andrátuttobene #canvas #art #painting #oilpaintings #usa #gallerialafonderia #americanartist #artislife #contemporaryartist
Like cats on a hot tin roof. . . .
Repost from @gallerialafonderia
Ieri vi abbiamo presentato Allan Saint Denis con le sue parole, oggi parliamo di una sua opera: “Love me II”. Dietro un vetro appannato, quasi una barriera tra noi stessi e la frenesia del mondo, un essere umano, colto nella sua più profonda intimità e vulnerabilità, libero da qualsiasi connotazione di genere, in uno stato sospeso e silente come le vibrazioni dell’anima. Due parole sprigionano tutto il loro significato: Love me.
#arworks #love #firenze firenze #arte #exhibition #restiamoacasa #iorestoacasa #andrátuttobene #art #painting #oilpaintings #contemporaryart #gallerialafonderia #artist #americanartist #contemporaryartist